Free printable sudoku
Free printable sudoku

Just like meditation, solving puzzles can relax you and take your mind of earthly matters.


What to eat, how to finish your work, how to make up with your wife (husband), why do your neighbours annoy you, you name it but our minds are always working and under stress. Life is hectic we are always busy and think about a million things. We came up with a couple of good reasons why you should print out our puzzles and keep doing so (we will not mention that printed versions are better for your eyes).

free printable sudoku

Solving Sudokus is actually good for your brain and wellbeing. Sudoku is not just a game or puzzle to kill time or boredom. Click here for the Daily Mail article.Ī couple of good reasons to play and solve Sudoku puzzles Even dementia and Alzheimer's are mentioned in the article. According to the article mental work outs can have a significant impact on our brain functions later in life. If we don't train or challenge our brains and intelligence, our brain functions will degenerate.Ī very interesting article of the Daily Mail claims that solving puzzles such as Sudoku, keeps the brain active and is better for preserving our brain power than whatever vitamin. The same principle works for our brain functions, we need to train it to keep fit.

free printable sudoku

If you want to stay fit, you have to work out or go to the gym. In his books on the working of the memory and brains, Gary Small, states that our brains age the same way our bodies age. The Memory Bible (2002) and Prescription (2004) Playing number puzzles such as Sudoku, Hidato and Numbrix strengthen your pattern solving abilities. We can replace the numbers with symbols, sounds, smells, situations, shapes and whatever. Improving your associative memory does not only improve your number analyzing skills. Solving Sudoku puzzles is more than numbers In other words: solving Sudoku's with elimination strategies rather than guessing make us smarter. The combination of logic and sequential thinking stimulate our associative memory skills. It is not necessary and even not wise to guess the position of the numbers. Sudoku is not a math puzzle but a logic and intelligence puzzle. Printable and easy for the eyes Sudoku puzzles. We figured out that instead of using our time to write them all down, we better focus on making There are literally hundreds of websites that have superb solving strategies and techniques for solving Sudoku puzzles.

free printable sudoku

There are 2 sixes in our top right regions and this is. The regions and are the marked 3 by 2 areas (3 x 2 equals 6 numbers), whereas in a 9 by 9 grid the regions are 3 by 3 Similar to the row and column rules, each number must be filled in once in each region of a Sudoku grid. Numbers may only appear once in each region. 4! Please note that in case of a 9 by 9 grid, we have to fill in the numbers 1 to 9 in the rows, columns and regions.ģ. Which 2 is wrong? The 2 in position 5 is wrong and needs to be changed to a. Also this is not allowed, as we need to fill in the numbers 1 to 6 once in each row, column and region. Numbers may only appear once in each column. This is not allowed! The first one (in position 3) is wrong and should be a. In this example we have 2 ones in the first row. The numbers 1 to 6 must be filled in each row and column once. In whatever format are divided in rows, colums and regions (marked by a thick black line). Numbers may only appear once in each row.

Free printable sudoku